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Today, various businesses use Instagram to advertise their products and services online. An open API for application programming allows social network users to make this process even more efficient. The integration of Instagram with other social networks and the implementation of many other functions become available. Among the main functions are searching for photos with hashtags, getting data about other companies, searching for mentions, etc.

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Get Instagram Access Token and Enjoy the Benefits

But first, it is essential to get Instagram access token. Using the Instagram API access token, you will have access via API not only to photo or video materials but also to almost any data and attributes of your publication: publication date, number of likes, comments, photo captions, hashtags, list of users who viewed the publication and so more. Our company can help you get an access token. Feel free to ask for services if you need them. But if you want to generate an access token, read the guide below carefully.

How to Get Instagram Token: Step-by-Step Guide

Facebook currently owns Instagram. This means that interaction with the API occurs through it. To get an Instagram access token, you will need a Facebook account. Follow this guide:

  1. Login to your Facebook account and go to the developer panel;
  2. Go to the My Apps panel and choose to Create App. In the window that opens, you should select "Advanced options" and "Other." Enter "Application Name" and email address. If you have a Business Account, you can select it. To complete the creation of the application, a standard security check is required;
  3. Set up the application and add the target platform to it;
  4. Return to the application management section. Select "Add Product" and go to the Instagram Basic Display setup;
  5. Start setting up an already-added product. Click on Instagram Basic Display and select Create New App. The Instagram Display Name field will contain the name of your app. Select "Create an application," and you will have options for customization;
  6. Add a new Test User in the "Roles" section and send an invitation;
  7. Accept the role of Tester via Instagram. Go to the "App and Sites" section, find the app and accept it;
  8. Go back to the developer panel on Facebook and start creating an Instagram token access. In the Basic Display section, open the "User Token Generator" section and find Generate Token. Allow the action through Instagram and get Instagram API key.

Where to Seek Help Creating an Instagram Developer Account?

We hope this article will help you to  get an Instagram feed access token, and open access to Instagram developer accounts. Setting up the site's interaction with Instagram will allow you to provide your customers with additional opportunities!

As you can see, getting access token Instagram API and creating an Instagram developer account is difficult. In the market, there are third-party companies that can help you solve your tasks.  However, you can complete the task by contacting our experts for help.'s APIs are great for companies that need to monitor how people respond to their brand and how engaged they are.

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