Twitter API: guide to search and filter by language or location

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Twitter is an exceptional social media with tremendous possibilities for companies seeking how to attain leads. That's why Twitter is such a popular social network for marketing analysis. Use our Data365 Twitter API for developers to search for tweets and profiles using keywords or phrases. You can get large amounts of tweet data based on their ID or target public profiles, which is valuable for companies marketing management. Our Twitter API allows you to search by keyword and search by tag with a location and language limits directly in a POST request.

Search settings for our Twitter API

You can search for key phrases in any language, for example, in Malaysian

An example of a POST request:


A GET request example to search data by a keyword:


You can use tag search (just add the # symbol before the word) in any language, for example, in Malaysian

An example of a POST request:


A GET request example to search data by a hashtag:


You can use both, search by keyword and search by tag with language limits directly in a POST request:

An example of a POST request for searching posts by keyword with language restriction:


A GET request example to search data by a keyword with a language restriction:


You can use both, search by keyword and search by tag with location limits directly in a POST request:

An example of a POST request for searching posts by keyword limited by location:


A GET request example to search data by a keyword limited by location:


Data365 Twitter API is a practical and easy-to-use tool to perform an advanced search by language and location and receive the data you need. We believe the Data365 Twitter API can be instrumental not only in improving the effectiveness of the marketing companies' mechanisms but also in developing the quality of any business as a whole.