Text Analysis API by Neticle partnering company

Get more options for social media analysis with our trusted partner

The power of social media grows every year. It influences people's decisions and attitudes about brands, and is one of the most effective channels for communication for any business.

Neural language processing and sentiment analysis can support business automation and enhance processes inside the company. That's how Neticle, the social media intelligence company, uses Social media APIs.
About social media intelligence company — Neticle

Neticle is an innovative company that specializes in media monitoring and text-analysis solutions.

The company is known for its modern approach to work and attention to providing customers with user-friendly online services. Its products are based on proprietary sentiment and semantic analysis technology that works with outstanding human-level precision.
Text Analysis API by Neticle

Text Analysis API — is a solution for detailed analysis of texts obtained by Social Media APIs.

How does the Text Analysis API work?

Our company, Data365.co, provides data on more than 10K social media posts per hour using our Social Media API.
We provide Neticle with comprehensive information, including:
  • Post content: texts, language, list of hashtags, list of tagged users
  • Number of reactions by type (like, love, sad, etc.)
  • Number of shares, likes, comments, etc.
  • URLs of attachments (videos, images, previews, posts, links, etc.)
We also provide detailed information about post comments and responses (language, engagement info, etc.).

More about our Social Media API
What data can you get through the Text Analysis API?

Using the data from our Social Media API and innovative Neticle technologies, the Text Analysis API provides social media information such as:

  • Sentiment score
  • Topic detection
  • Place recognition
  • Brand detection
  • Emotion detection
  • Language recognition, etc.

Main API benefits

Human-level precision
Accurate sentiment and semantic analysis toolkits are available through the Neticle API
Major languages support
Niche languages are also available, and you can contact the company if you want to try a new language
Easy integration
Professional technical support throughout the implementation and use of the product
API customization
You can analyze data in real-time and visualize it using a convenient dashboard

Learn more about the Text Analysis API by Neticle company

Blog articles:
Official Social Media APIs overview